Petra Hagen Hodgson

Petra Hagen Hodgson (*1957) studied German language and literature, art history and literary criticism at the Universities of Zurich and Freiburg. From 1988 to 1990 she was a lecturer in the history of architecture at the University of Hong Kong, after which she held various teaching positions at the Zurich School of Design. Since 2007 she has been a lecturer at the ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences, most recently as head of the Green and Health Research Group. As a freelance architectural journalist and critic, she writes for professional journals and published several books, including “Städtebau im Kreuzverhör. Max Frisch zum Städtebau der fünfziger Jahre” (Baden 1986), “Der Architekt, der Koch und der gute Geschmack” (Basel 2007), and “Gemeinsames Gärtnern im Alter” (Zurich 2016).