Spirale 6/7 (original issue, 1958)

Internationale Zeitschrift für konkrete Kunst und Gestaltung

Spirale magazine, published in 9 issues between 1953 and 1964, was a platform for young artists and documented the development of abstract and concrete art and poetry in Europe. spirale set itself apart from other magazines with its original and distinctive look and attitude and is one of the most important testimonies to the development of art in the 1950s.

spirale 6/7 focuses on poetry and photography, with poems written in Italian, Portuguese and German by authors including Carlo Belloli, Décio Pignatari, Paula Mazetti, Eugen Gomringer and photographs taken by Otl Aicher, Marcel Wyss, and Gérard Ifert. The issue features two comprehensive essays on photography by Laszlo Moholy-Nagy and Max Bense, documentaries on two architectural projects and several zinc etchings.

Spirale magazine, published in 9 issues between 1953 and 1964, was a platform for young artists and documented the development of abstract and concrete art and poetry in Europe. spirale set itself apart from other magazines with its original and distinctive look and attitude and is one of the most important testimonies to the development of art in the 1950s.

spirale 6/7 focuses on poetry and photography, with poems written in Italian, Portuguese and German by authors including Carlo Belloli, Décio Pignatari, Paula Mazetti, Eugen Gomringer and photographs taken by Otl Aicher, Marcel Wyss, and Gérard Ifert. The issue features two comprehensive essays on photography by Laszlo Moholy-Nagy and Max Bense, documentaries on two architectural projects and several zinc etchings.

Edited by Marcel Wyss, Eugen Gomringer

With photographs by Otl Aicher, Marcel Wyss, Gérard Ifert et al.

With essays by Moholy–Nagy and Max Bense

With contributions by Paula Mazetti, Eugen Gomringer, Décio Pignatari et al.

Design: Marcel Wyss

35 × 35 cm, 13 ¾ × 13 ¾ in

70 pages, 55 illustrations


1958, Spirale No 6/7, German
CHF 450.00