Temporary Discomfort
Jules Spinatsch was at the World Economic Forum and also attended the G8 summits at Davos and Evian. But rather than street fighting and handshakes, Jules Spinatsch shows winter nights in Davos, complete with floodlighted barbed wire, containers being used as barricades in Genoa, lonely TV reporters outside broadcast vehicles and sleepy guards in New York. Temporary Discomfort shows people waiting for the big event, which is revealed as meticulously planned down to the last detail.
Jules Spinatsch was at the World Economic Forum and also attended the G8 summits at Davos and Evian. But rather than street fighting and handshakes, Jules Spinatsch shows winter nights in Davos, complete with floodlighted barbed wire, containers being used as barricades in Genoa, lonely TV reporters outside broadcast vehicles and sleepy guards in New York. Temporary Discomfort shows people waiting for the big event, which is revealed as meticulously planned down to the last detail.
Winner of the Prix du Livre, Rencontres d’Arles 2005 Best Photography Book