Le Corbusier Un architecte et ses livres Cover

Catherine de Smet

Le Corbusier – Un architecte et ses livres

Le Corbusier’s buildings have long been part of the inalienable canon of twentieth-century architecture. But Le Corbusier’s work as a book designer and author is scarcely known. He planned and realized over 40 books in his lifetime. Architect of Books shows that Le Corbusier accorded great importance to books as an essential part of his output. Catherine de Smet traces the process by which these books emerged and makes it possible to discover the great construction architect as a book artist. New images and in-depth analyses make Vers une Architecture du Livre an indispensable complement to Le Corbusier, Architect of Books.

Le Corbusier’s buildings have long been part of the inalienable canon of twentieth-century architecture. But Le Corbusier’s work as a book designer and author is scarcely known. He planned and realized over 40 books in his lifetime. Architect of Books shows that Le Corbusier accorded great importance to books as an essential part of his output. Catherine de Smet traces the process by which these books emerged and makes it possible to discover the great construction architect as a book artist. New images and in-depth analyses make Vers une Architecture du Livre an indispensable complement to Le Corbusier, Architect of Books.

French edition – also available in German

Author(s): Catherine de Smet

Design: Integral Lars Müller

21 x 28 cm, 8 ¼ x 11 in

128 pages, 100 illustrations


2005, 978-3-03778-033-6, French
CHF 108.00
Out of print

Catherine de Smet

Catherine de Smet (*1959) is an art historian and author of numerous articles about the history and actuality of graphic design and contemporary art. She teaches history of graphic design at several French art schools.